19 companies were found
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Asphalt Plants, Crushing and Screening Equipment - DIMAQ
Plantas de Asfalto y Equipo de Trituracion y Cribado, Conjuntos Primarios, Secundarios y Terciarios. Portatiles y Estacionarios, Quijadas, Conos, Cribas, VSI y HSI, Alimentadores.
Metallic Fabrics - Crushing and Screening Equipment
Equipos de trituracion y cribado, refacciones para plantas de cribado, lavadores de arena, criba vibratoria scalper tipo grizzli, cargadores triples, rodillos reductores, transportadores apilables.
Jabri - Manufacturers of Petrolizers, Seed Spreaders
Petrolizadoras y plantas de mezcla en frio, reparaciones y refacciones de petrolizadoras todas las marcas. Venta de maquinaria usada y nueva. Renta de maquinaria para tendido. Somos fabricantes
Vibrating screens - Cribamex
Cribamex, Cribas vibratorias, Plantas de cribado, lavado y trituracion de materiales petreos, fijas y portatiles.
Machinery for Concrete, Crushing and Foundations - Eurorep
Plantas Portatiles para Produccion de Concreto, Bombas y Lanzadoras de Concreto, Equipos Portatiles de Trituracion y Cribado, Micro perforadoras, Mini trituradoras, Perforadoras para Cimentacion.
Crushers - Heavy Machinery - Spare Parts - Arvi
Venta-Consignacion de Maquinaria Pesada para Construccion y Trituracion, Refacciones para la Mineria y la Construccion. Trituradora de Cono o de Impacto. Trituradora de Quijadas.
Manufacture of Vibrating Screens - Cribamex
Fabricacion de cribas vibratorias pequeñas y todo tipo de quebradoras pequeñas y grandes para la industria en general.
FIMSA Mining Implements Factory
Fabricamos Plantas de trituracion y Cribado, Bandas transportadoras, Equipo sobre orugas, Mallas para cribas. Refacciones,reparaciones,instalacion. Trio, PowerScreen, Remco, TaborMachine, Nesco, FIMSA
Sieves Screening Solutions VIDEO
Cribas y Productos Metalicos, soluciones en cribado, tenemos cribas de alambre, modulos sinteticos, placa perforada, cribas de barra, equipos vibratorios, criba-live (autolimpiables).
Equipment for Crushing, Screening and Washing of Petreo Materials
Cribamex, circuito de trituracion y cribado, alimentadores, quebradoras, transportadores de banda, cribas vibratorias, gusanos lavadores y mas.
NEW Screening Plant -Screening Systems
Su Planta de Cribado NUEVA completa lo esta esperando en Tlahuac CDMX. Todas sus necesidades de Cribado con el mejor trato y entrega inmediata. Refacciones siempre disponibles a un Whatsapp.
Mobile Crushing and Screening Plants
Plantas moviles de trituracion y cribado para entrega inmediata. Distribuidor exclusivo Eagle Crusher
Machinery for sale - PYAA
Venta de maquinaria, consulta nuestro catalogo. Tractores, excavadoras, retroexcavadoras, cargadores frontales, equipo de trituracion
Construction Equipment, Construction Machinery - BlaRock
Maquinaria-Construccion Primario-secundario y terciario Trituracion Servicio de transporte
Equipment Sale - MGB
16 Komatsu D155AX-8, 2013 Komatsu-Joy Mining RF-7,2002 Deister Modelo BTFM3P-3820, Trituradora Cedarapids 5064 HRSI de 1991, Kolberg 36” X 25’,Trituradora de Quijada Sandvik de 47 ”X 43” 2003
Sale of Used Mining Equipment - MGB Company
Venta de Equipo Minero Usado: Trituradoras, Cribas, Silos de Arena, Lavadores de Arena, Clasificadores, Plantas de Asfalto
Mineral Processing - Multotec
Logre sus Objetivos de Procesamiento de Minerales. Ciclones, Hidrociclones, Componentes de flotacion, Muestreadores, Separadores magneticos, Sistemas de cribado, Espirales, Filtros, Tromeles de hule.
Mineral Beneficiation Plants - Desarrollos Industriales
Apoyo tecnico y operativo a plantas de beneficio de minerales, especialistas en la aplicacion de hules y elastomeros para la industria minera
Crushing and screening equipment - Imisa Agregados Petreos
Equipos portatiles disponibles trituracion y cribado.
The VIBRATORY SCREENS are equipment used to separate granular materials by size.
They are based on the principle of gravity and volume. The material is passed through gravity through a mesh with the size of its constant and controlled voids, with the particles larger than the size of the voids remaining on the mesh, and the smaller particles passing through. This process is called stratification.
The "separation probability" is the possibility that a particle smaller than the diameter of the voids will find one and transfer it. The closer they come or jump to get a new position, the greater their opportunity.
With only the emptying, larger particles would remain held in the mesh by the edge of the voids, or several more or less large particles pressed together without being able to pass the screen, obstructing the passage of finer material that would accumulate on them. The vibration is used so that these "stuck" particles, bounce off the mesh, releasing the voids, obtain a new position, and advance towards the collection area so as not to interrupt the process to empty the accumulated material, increasing in enormous proportions its separation probability with respect to just the emptying.
It is often believed that a prolonged (ie slower) frequency of vibration increases efficiency, when in fact, inertia must be constantly rotated abruptly changing direction to keep the material moving in a constant bounce, remaining on the mesh and channeled to the respective container.
The stratification is controlled according to the inter-meshes in which the material remains. That is, if he managed to previously pass a 25 mm sieve per side and was rejected from one with 19 mm per side, we will have a material with a fluctuation of 6 mm in diameter, and a maximum size of aggregate (TMA) of 25 mm. This is especially important to prepare mixtures of floors and pavements in which the filling of voids by fine materials gives the strength of the material, or in the casting of concrete on a reinforcement, whose minimum space between rods is specified by the TMA to allow the emptying step.
To economize on processes, several sieves are placed one on top of the other in a horizontal manner, placing the larger ones on top, closing the spaces as the meshes are lower. The screens must be capable of resisting the impacts of the material falling on them and the abrasions resulting from friction due to their passage.
The vibrating screen groups one, two, three or four screens.
The meshes are fixed to a frame, and this to a pair of parallel walls that transmit the movement and the vibration to the meshes. The walls or plates are blind to avoid loss of material due to overflow. The frames tighten the meshes laterally to favor the rebound of the material and increase its resistance to impacts. The meshes are interchangeable, so they can be placed, removed or changed according to the characteristics of the material to be separated and the required sizes.
The vibratory movement is provided by a motor that rotates a transverse axis with decompensated weights placed towards the center of gravity of the machine, causing the screens to have elliptical movement up and down, towards the front and back. The weights can usually be adjusted in weight and amplitude in order to vary the frequency and / or amplitude of the vibration cycle. This will depend on the material to be separated, whether it is "large" or thin, whether it is wet or dry, whether it is "heavy" or "light".
The side plates are fastened by means of springs on a steel frame formed by two I-beams. These are strong enough to support the weight to the ground, or to be attached to any other structure if it is required in any screening or crushing plant. and screening.
Their manufacture is so simple, that they can be elaborated on request to adjust to the frames of obsolete or worn out screens that wish to change, or as the plant requires, without generating enormous cost overruns.
Attachments can be added for material washing applications, for which sprinklers and their respective hoses are installed to feed them.
In the market they can be found in fixed structures, in mobile structures, or only the riddle for mounting.
The available measurements are generally 1.52 to 1.83 cm wide by 4.88 to 6.10 meters. It can be screened wet or dry. Its inclinations are from 20 ° to 45 °. They receive the material in the upper part and deliver it classified in the lower part. Gravity accelerates the movement of particles and their speed, but reduces the time of them on the screen and its "bounces", so the probability of separation is less than a horizontal, affecting in a small percentage its accuracy. They are ideal for separations with wide ranges between particle boundaries.
They are generally more robust, their sizes range from 1.52 to 2.44 m in width, by 4.88 to 6.10 m in length, and have three rotary axes decompensated to generate vibration. They are used for heavier work, greater volume, larger dimensions of aggregates, or when the separation between a TMA of aggregate and another is very small, and therefore, accurate. The time of the particles and their "bounces" increase on the mesh, which increases the probability of separation.
It is an intermediate solution between horizontal and inclined. At the point of feeding the material the angle of the mesh is greater, and as it approaches the unloading area it is reduced to allow a slower step, and therefore a more precise segregation. This is a combination of high volume to work and precise stratification.
In high frequency screens the side plates are fixed, the vibration is given by electric or hydraulic motors that give the movement for each support bar, there are usually two, with two striking bars alternating directly on the bullet part of the mesh. This reduces the need for robust support, is less noisy, has a longer service life and requires less maintenance.
The high frequency allows to have seven cycles of vibration in the same time that the inclined screening has 2 and the horizontal screening 1.5. If the material is thick, greater effectiveness is achieved with greater amplitude and less frequency, while fine materials favor lower amplitude and greater frequency. The results are optimal if the horizontal screen is used for materials from 3/4 "to 3/8" (19 to 9.5 mm-gravel), the inclined one for nominal diameters from 3/8 "to 3/32" (9.5 to 2.4) mm-gravel), high frequency 3/32 "to 1/64" (2.4 to 0.4 mm-sands).
In the high-frequency screens, the independent flow regulators allow an adjustment for each vibrator, thus reducing the rebound of the material at the end of the bed (the "popcorn" effect), which overflows the material outside the edges of the bed. the bed and more bounces the fine material that spends more time out of the mesh with large and prolonged bounces, reducing its probability of separation. Here the amplitude is also adjustable, as is the inclination of the bed, which allows to regulate the speed of the material. In this type of screening the thicker material jumps higher, and the finer particles stay closer to the screen, raising the probability of separation.
We will list below brands of vibrating screens commercialized as new factory equipment in the Mexican Republic.
On bearings - 2 "to 8" X 4 "to 24", from 1 to 5 beds. On springs.
CRIBAS AND METAL PRODUCTS - Deister-International Inc.-Jeffrey Rader.
Horizontal B-base steel beams, trunnion type T-bracket, F-horizontal for heavy duty, O-vibratory mechanism on top, M-Vibratory between beds, U-on bottom, 3-triple arrow , P-portable.
Inclined B-base steel beams, H-inclined for heavy duty, T-vibrating mechanism on top, M-vibratory between beds, CS-suspended by cables, P-portable.
High frequency B-base steel beams, HS-high frequency T-vibratory mechanism on top, M-vibratory between beds, CS-suspended by cables.
Inclined, horizontal, multi-tilt, high frequency.
Inclined, horizontal, variable mesh inclination.
High frequency PEP Duo Vibe, 1200 at 4,200 RPM, 38 ° to 45 ° slope, 0.90 to 1.80 m X 0.90 to 7.30 m, from 1-3 platforms.
High frequency PEP Vari Vibe, 4,200 RPM, 38 ° to 45 ° slope, 0.90 to 1.80 m X 0.90 to 7.30 m, from 1-4 platforms.
Horizontal: FS, 875-1,075 RPM, maximum travel 12.7 mm, maximum power 203 mm, size range 1.5X4.9 m up to 2.4 X 6.10 m, 2-3 platforms.
QF, 775-975 RPM, maximum travel 12.7 mm, maximum power 203 mm, size range 1.8 X 6.10 m, 4 platforms.
LP, 675-875 RPM, maximum travel 19 mm, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.30 m to 2.4 X 7.30 m, 2-3 platforms.
2.5 °, 675-875 RPM, maximum travel 19 mm, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.30 m to 2.4 X 7.30 m, 2-3 platforms.
Classifier MS, 675-875 RPM, maximum travel 19 mm, maximum power 355 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.90 m to 2.40 X 6.10 m, 2-3 platforms.
Heavy classifier HS, 575-775 RPM, maximum travel 22.22 mm, maximum power 457 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.30 m to 2.40 X 6.10 m, two platforms.
Extra classifier heavy XH, 575-775 RPM, maximum travel 22.22 mm, maximum power 609 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.30 m to 2.40 X 6.10 m, two platforms.
Waterfall, 750-1,000 RPM, maximum travel 12.7 mm, slope 20 °, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.50 X 4.90 m up to 1.80 X 6.10 m, two to three platforms.
Quarry SI, 800-1,150 RPM, maximum travel 9.52 mm, slope 15 ° -25 °, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.80 X 4.90 m to 2.40 X 6.10 m, two to three platforms.
DI Quarry, 900 RPM, maximum travel 12.7 mm, slope 15 ° -25 °, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.80 X 4.90 m to 2.40 X 7.30 m, two to three platforms.
Vibratory, 1,100-1,500 RPM, maximum stroke 6.35 mm, slope 10 ° -15 °, maximum power 127 mm, size range 0.60 X 1.20 m to 1.50 X 4.30 m, one to three platforms.
Multi-inclined CS Combo, 675-875 RPM, maximum travel 19 mm, slope 20 ° -10 ° -0 °, maximum power 254 mm, size range 1.80 X 6.10 m to 2.40 m, two to three platforms.
Multi-inclined CF Combo, 875-1,075 RPM, maximum travel 12.7 mm, slope 20 ° -10 ° -0 °, maximum power 203 mm, size range 1.80 X 6.10 m up to 2.40 m, two to three platforms.ROCOSA
Portable CP-6203
Circular movement SK, SC, MS; Linear motion LF; Grid SG; Free fall SS, SF; Rollers SR.
Stagger, Heavy duty, High speed.
Inclined, on legs, on measure.
SCM-427, SCM-40, SCM-75, SCM-40C, SCM-75C, SCM-115T.