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Road Construction

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Urbanizations, Construction Materials, Machinery - Sanremo Constructores  
Nos especializamos en: Urbanizacion, Materiales para Construccion, Maquinaria Pesada y Camiones, Fletes.

Earth Movement, Crushing, Terraces, Mining Exploration - Extripasa  
Movimiento masivo de Tierras Trituracion de Materiales Petreos y Minerales Terracerias Urbanizacion Industrial y Residencial Construccion de Plataformas y Naves Industriales Renta de Maquinaria

Heavy Equipment - Pavements - Terraces   listas
Renta de maquinaria, construccion de terracerias, pavimentos hidraulicos, asfalticos y obra civil

Excavation of large volumes, terraces - FM Constructores   listas
Movimiento de tierras, Excavaciones, Top- Down, Urbanizaciones, Terracerias, Demoliciones. Capacidad para mover 30,000 m3, por dia. Presencia en Zona Metropolitana, Puerto Vallarta

Articulated Trucks for Mining and Construction - Grupo Puente  
Camiones articulados y rigidos para mineria y construccion, yucles para movimiento y acarreo de tierras, contamos con los mejores equipos para construccion y traslado.

Heavy Machinery, Excavations, Paving - Jamca  
Renta de Maquinaria, Excavaciones, Acarreos, Demoliciones, Terracerias, Urbanizaciones. Pavimentaciones de Concreto Asfaltico e Hidraulico

Heavy Equipment, Excavations, Terraces - Immediate Demolitions of the South  
Demoliciones, Excavaciones, Terracerias, Trabajos de Asfalto, Estabilizacion de Terrenos, Aplicacion de Concreto Lanzado. Renta de Maquinaria Pesada, Retiro de Escombro, Transporte de Equipo. MDI

Topography, Construction Machinery, Excavations - Maguel Construccion  
Maguel Construccion, SERVICIOS:*Renta de Maquinaria*Obra Civil*Excavaciones*Acarreos*Demoliciones*T erracerias*DiseƱo Estructural*Topografia

Machinery Rental, Excavations, Demolitions, Waste Disposal - Urbicon  
Retroexcavadora, Excavadora, Motoconformadora, Tractor, Payloader, Vibrocompactador, Pipas. Excavaciones, Demoliciones, Suministro de agua, Tiro Oficial de Desechos de Construccion y Registro Ramir

Excavators-Excavations-Demolitions- Terracerias- Rotmack  
Renta de Maquinas Pesadas: Excavadoras 336EL, 336F, con bote y martillo, 320 DL con martillo, 320CL y con brazo largo, Retroexcavadora 416D. Excavaciones, Demoliciones, Terracerias.

Heavy Equipment, Demolitions, Excavations, Earthworks - GCD63  
Excavadoras, Retroexcavadoras, Minicargadores, Miniexcavadoras. Demoliciones, Desmantelamientos, Excavaciones y Terracerias. Agregados. Registro CDMX-SEDEMA- RAMIR, para el Transporte de Residuos.

Demolitions, Dirt Works, Large Volume Excavation, Top-Down - FM   listas
Excavacion de Grandes Volumenes. Especialistas en Excavaciones, Terracerias, Demoliciones, Urbanizaciones. Excavacion a Cielo Abierto, Excavacion Top-Down

Sagittarius Leasing Machine Rental Rent Heavy  
Terracerias, Pavimentos, Excavaciones, Barredoras, Compactadoras de suelo, Vibrocompactadores, Broce Broom, Ingersoll Rand, Waldon Sweep Master, Muller, Tema Terra, Cat, Bros

Foundations, Geotechnics - Perfoterra Cimentaciones   listas
Geotecnia, Cimentaciones Profundas, Abatimiento de Nivel Freatico, Pilas, Pilotes, Muro Milan, Muro Berlin, Hincado de Viguetas, Mecanica de Suelos, Anclaje, Concreto Lanzado, Terracerias, Pavimentos

Demolitions - Excavations - Earthworks - Construcciones Libra  
Construcciones y demoliciones industriales, excavaciones, terracerias Desarmo maquina Case 580L, 1999

Excavations-Terracerias-Demolitions- Debris Removal - Malvaez   listas
Limpieza de Terrenos. Excavadoras CAT, Retroexcavadoras, Alquiler de Minicargadores Cat y Bobcat, Vibrocompactadores, Traxcavos, Carga y Acarreo. Registro RAMIR CDMX-SEDEMA Suministro de Agregados,

It is called TERRACERIAS to all stages and processes that modify the original topography of the soil, filling or leveling the land to achieve a level and surface conditions or soil to leave them ready and work in buildings of various types, especially for placing asphalt or pavement for roads and highways.

These earth movements are roads that were conditioned by the hand of man, generally in rural areas and serve to provide an optimum circulation for all kinds of land transport vehicles. Technically, the ground is flattened and does not have any type of coating (sand, gravel, asphalt or cement) but it does have soil.

The embankment terraces have a body, is in the lower layer and the subgrade, which is placed on the previous one and which has a minimum thickness of 30 cm.

• Embankment body. To refer to the body of the embankment is to talk about the structure that makes up a land route.
• Reach the selected height but under the delimited geometrical specifications (mainly in relation to the longitudinal slope).
• Resist all transit loads that converge through the upper layers of the surface.
• Distribute each of the efforts by means of its thickness, and with this to be transported in the most appropriate way to the natural terrain, always depending on its resistance.

It should be noted that all materials used in the construction of the embankment body must include a V.R.S greater than 5% and the maximum sizes should be up to 75 cm. These materials commonly used for the construction of the body of the embankment are segmented into:

• Compactables
• Non-compactables

Although it should be clarified that all materials are capable of compacting. However, this classification is made based on the maneuverability that they carry to be compacted by means of common methods, in order to measure the degree achieved.

The process of arranging each of the materials can be done in three different ways:

1. When it comes to compactable materials the material is placed by means of a motor-forming machine, after this, it is leveled. A vibrocompactor is used or through a compacting tract (kickstand) which in turn stretches, compacting, and then leveling by means of a motor-shaping machine. Finally, the process is completed through a vibro compactor until the work is compacted.

2. Otherwise, when the materials are not compactable, a cover is created with a thickness of the same size as the rock fragments, much smaller than 15 cm. A frontal loader passes over the surface about three times for each point that integrates this layer, making zigzag movements. For a better accommodation, it is necessary to incorporate water that will act as a lubricant between the particles. This type of materials are usually used for the practice of large terraced terraces in those places where stone is abundant or can be used as breakthrough layers of capillarity in those unstable types of soils and / or with the presence of water.

3. If what is needed is to make fillings in narrow and deep ravines, where the access is severely complicated with the type of machinery and equipment of accommodation or compaction, it is allowed to put said material up to a considerable height where it is no longer possible to operate with the type of machinery that is required in the work.

1. The existing vegetation and the superficial layer of the ground (approximately 30.00 cm) should be removed using mechanical equipment.
2. The cuts must be made in natural terrain, in the open sky to start with the formation of the section of the work, can be done with the use or not of explosives., Depending on the size of the land and its depth. When obtaining the material product of the excavations, this one will have to fulfill the specifications, and can be used in the formation of embankments, offering with this to diminish the cost of the work.
4. Embankments are blocks of ground surface that is obtained and constructed by materials produced by cutting or coming from several mounds of earth. The equipment that should be used for this job is: tractor, front loader, dump truck, motor shaper, pipe and vibrocompactor.

It is vital to manage the extraction and transport of materials within the work; and it is vital to know how to reuse it in order to save on costs. It is important to contemplate and take into account that during the project should be used material that gives the facility to make good cuts on the surface in other processes such as embankments or fillings. An important part of this process is the reuse of excess material and not turning it into garbage material. Take into account that while taking advantage of all material properly, better results will be obtained for use in landfills or embankments, is usually much cheaper and becomes a very good product.
Activities during dirt movement
- Dismount. It is any process where the vegetation and material of the terrain is removed, and which impedes its visibility and calculation.
- Despalme. It is the process where material is removed from the surface of the land to avoid mixing the unusable material with the dirt material.
- Cuts or excavation. They are made to be able to level the land in addition to being a process by which the earth is extracted for use in some embankment, filling or sending it with the waste.
- Hauling It is all that material that moves to different parts of the land to reuse it or send it with the waste. In this process the type of transport to be used is designated, depending on the size and distance to where the material will move.
- Embankment. It consists of making a structure that increases the height of the land, filling and compactando the earth. All this to optimize the flow of the rain or for the objectives of the work.


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