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Crawler Cranes and Dredgers, Foundation, Compaction - Gruma Cranes
Gruas y Dragas sobre Orugas, Cimentacion, Perforadoras, Vibrohincadores, Brocas, Botes, Tuberia Tremi, Trepanos, Almeja saca Boleo, Compactacion Dinamica, Gruas, Masas, Martillos Piloteadores
Grove All Terrain Crane - Sale
Grua Grove, Modelo GMK 5180, Año 1999. Excelentes Condiciones. En Venta
Amequip - Sale of Cranes with Own Financing
Venta y renta de gruas, todo nuestro equipo esta certificado por las normas de o.s.h.A. Contamos con financiamiento propio, gruas hidraulicas, gruas industriales, gruas telescopicas, gruas torre, etc.
Cranes, Manipulator - Sale of Maneuvering Equipment
Venta equipo de Maniobra, Manipulador Sky Track de 3 tons, Grua Hunter 25 tons. con pluma de 25 mts., Grua Bantam, cap. 18 tons. con pluma de 18 mts., Camion grua cap. 12 tons.
Articulated Trucks for Mining and Construction - Grupo Puente
Camiones articulados y rigidos para mineria y construccion, yucles para movimiento y acarreo de tierras, contamos con los mejores equipos para construccion y traslado.
SUNWARD Intelligent Machine Manufacture
Fabricante de Maquinaria Inteligente: Excavadoras - Equipo de Construccion Subterraneo - Equipo de Perforacion - Gruas - Cargadores - Plataformas Aereas - Minicargadores - Trituradoras
TADANO Cranes - Lifting Solutions with Service and Spare Parts
Gruas Hidraulicas y de pluma telescopicas montadas sobre orugas o neumaticos. Cap. 35 ton. a 156 ton. Excelente servicio y disponibilidad de piezas de repuesto con envio rapido. Linea de soporte 24/7
We will be here for you all the way! Tadano
Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer el mejor soporte de su clase a nuestros clientes: -Soporte de Calidad -Amplia Cobertura de Servicio -Almacen de Repuestos Completo
Mobile Cranes and Cranes on Tracks - Liebherr
Servicio Postventa con Asesoria Tecnica. Stock de Refacciones Local. Ingenieros de Servicio en Campo Calificados. Venta de Gruas usadas reacondicionadas en Fabrica. Cursos de Capacitacion.
Maneuver Cranes, Lifting Platforms - VIGORO
Renta de Gruas para Maniobras tipo Titan, Articuladas. Plataformas de Elevacion, Electricas o Combustion, de Tijera o Articuladas de 30, 40, 45, 60 pies.
SUNWARD Innovation Leads to Value
Fabricante de Maquinaria Inteligente: Excavadoras, Equipo de Construccion Subterraneo, Equipo de Perforacion, Gruas, Cargadores, Plataformas Aereas, Minicargadores * Trituradoras
TADANO Rough Terrain Cranes
Las gruas todo terreno de TADANO proporcionan la combinacion perfecta de confiabilidad, valor y seguridad.
Heavy Used Equipment for Sale
Maquinaria Pesada Usada en Venta: Excavadoras, Gruas, Bulldozer, Compactador de rodillos, Cargador sobre ruedas, Pavimentadora de asfalto, Motor Caterpillar, Generador, Manipulador
AGEDI - International Congress of Industrial Cranes VIDEO
8o Congreso Internacional de Gruas Industriales AGEDI. Puerto Vallarta, del 19 al 21 de Octubre 2023.
Articulated Cranes, Hydraulic Cranes, Industrial Cranes - Maquinaria Ucha
Camioneta: 3 a 8 Ton. Camion Ligero: 10 a 17 Ton. Camion Pesado: 25 a 75 Ton. Pregunta por Nuestros Equipos de entrega Inmediata. Ventas, Servicios y Refacciones en toda la Republica.
Cranes, Maneuvers, Assembly - Gruas Tony
Gruas Tony, Maniobras, Servicio Industrial, Gruas E-Mat
New and Used Cranes, Service, Parts - Liebherr
Gruas Moviles y Sobre Orugas de 30 a 3000 Ton. Servicio Postventa, Stock de Refacciones. Ingenieros de Servicio en Campo. Venta de Gruas Nuevas y Usadas reacondicionadas en Fabrica.
Used Equipment at Best Rates
Mico Cranes & Equipment Texas - Equipos Usados de Calidad al Mejor Precio
LMI Systems and Safety Devices for Industrial Cranes-SYPA
RECIBE 10% DE DESCUENTO AL MENCIONAR ESTE ANUNCIO. Fabricantes de Sistemas LMI y Dispositivos de seguridad para Gruas Industriales, contamos con Pantallas Interfaces para sustituir cualquier Display.
INDUSTRIAL CRANES are used to lift and lower materials, in addition to having the ability to move the latter horizontally because this is because this machine is mechanically equipped with cables, forklifts and other vital parts in its constitution.
Industrial cranes are used to perform lifting movements and distribution of loads, even of people, managing to suspend them by means of a moving arm or hook.
The material with which they are built is cast iron and steel with some fiberglass elements.
The different types of industrial cranes that can be found within the construction industry are:
Fixed cranes
These cranes are placed through a foot that remains fixed on the ground or by means of a support anchored to the wall, said anchors must be firm to support all kinds of weight.
Ceiling or traveling cranes
For this type of cranes, the rails are located in the part of the roof, therefore, this type of machines are created to resist any weight on the structure.
Mobile cranes
Within the group of cranes of this classification, this is the most used, because it requires a lot of space and maintenance, as well as an excellent operation of it to be able to maneuver it. This type of crane is perfect for traveling and working on narrow areas, because they should approach as close as possible to the places where they will carry out the transfers.
Tower crane
As the name implies, tower cranes are used for the elevation and distribution of loads in a building, because they have a hook that hangs from a cable, which allows them to move through a car along a pen . Advantage that it takes out because it can prostrate directly on the ground as well as be immobilized if it rolls on curved and straight roads.
Cranes pen
This type of cranes are characterized by having the ability to rise in themselves, expanding far and wide by means of different sections or sections that straighten one another through hydraulic and mechanical systems.
Cranes for baskets
Cranes of baskets can be found in different models. These cranes achieve a height of up to 13 meters, with an extension of the arm of horizontal reach of up to 8 meters, in addition the capacity of the baskets can support up to 140 kg. These cranes can be easily obtained in the construction market; models that include accessories such as: loading arms and winches. It is possible to obtain models of cranes with isolated equipment.
Articulated cargo cranes
These cranes are adapted to all types of use and necessity. The most complete models include advanced technology for this type of machinery. You should know that for this type of crane, it must include a corner assembly, a center assembly that includes the operator's seat, as well as a winch for the load in addition to the controls that must be fully hydraulic.
These machines usually include or can be found separately optional accessories such as: basket for the end of the arm, third isolated section, radio remote control, controls for the tip of the arm or pincers holding poles.
The basket for lifting the person and the hydraulic drill is very significant in this crane.
On the body and mechanical parts
We can also find an extensive line of special bodies for service, these can be galvanized steel or fiberglass. You can get: for spare parts, complete components of stock, which are usually obtained on request.
Acquire spare parts of the different brands that will help to have the solution at the moment, such as:
 Hydraulic gear pumps
 Palettes
 Pistons for different types of transmissions and hydraulic systems