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Specialists in Electrical and Instrumentation Installations - Lemon Analyzer
Venta e instalacion de instrumentos de monitoreo, medicion y automatizacion Venta de valvulas termoplasticas y tuberia para liquidos corrosivos Servicio e instalacion de patines de gas, hornos
Thermofusion, Electromechanical Work, Pipes, Cables, Geomembranes - Sieric
Termofusion y Electrofusion. Obra Electromecanica y Mantenimiento.Bombeo y Energia Solar. Venta e Instalacion: Tuberia HDPE.Cables y Conectores, Geomembranas, Geomallas y Geotextiles.Kit Bomba Solar
Restoration, Cleaning, Maintenance of Stone and Concrete - Faukor
Empresa Lider en Restauracion de Edificios, Residencias y Monumentos. Suministro e Instalacion de Recubrimientos para Obras Industriales, Comerciales y Residenciales Trabajos en Altura.
Poline Solutions in Rubber Insulations and Couplings
Todo lo que necesita para la Industria Minera, Hule faldon, Acoplamientos, Cañuela para criba, Modulos para cribado, Recubrimiento a rodillo, Soportes de hule, Soportes para Martillo
Paints and Thin Coatings - Teoz
Resinas Vinilicas, Acrilicas, Estirenicas, Selladores, Poliuretanos, Epoxicos, Recubrimientos Industriales
Tools, Machining, Metallizing Service, Lathe - Firox Industrial
Servicio Metalizado: Aumenta la resistencia y la vida util de las piezas, Protege frente a la corrosion, Se puede aplicar sobre un area concreta.
Industrial coatings are all those materials that are applied on a surface, in order to protect, beautify or to prevent external factors from affecting the surface.
There are several types:
• Paintings
• Varnishes
• Lacquers
• Coatings for industrial maintenance
Within the market we find a wide range of coatings to meet the specific needs of each work. For example:
 Solvent Base:
• Alquidálico
• Epoxy
• Polyurethane
 Water Base:
• Acrylic Epoxy
• Acrylic Latex
 Powder:
• Hybrid
• Epoxy
• Polyester
• Others
Criteria for choosing an industrial coating
1. Substrate material / surface to be painted
2. Exposure to acids and other corrosive agents
3. Current coating status
4. Facilities for surface preparation
5. Volume of the surface to cover
6. Method of application (manual or automatic)
7. Fixed or moving parts
8. Environmental conditions of temperature and humidity
9. Thickness of the desired film
10. Drying time and curing of the coating
11. Type and characteristics of the oven
12. Maximum baking time
13. Cost of the product
14. Coating performance properties
15. Desired changes in application or maintenance
These are the main applications of the most common industrial coatings:
• Facilities in general, tanks and industrial pipes
• Metal furniture
• Metal parts in general
• Plastic parts in general
• Construction and maintenance of industrial buildings
• Finishing and / or automotive repainting
• Facades, floors and walls in general
Anti-corrosion coatings are very important in manufacturing and production companies, since they protect the considerable investment in equipment and installations.
To speak of coatings systems is to refer not only to the latter, but also to the dry film thickness (EPS) that must be applied to each of them and very important, the surface preparation and the method of application that should be used.
To obtain an effective industrial coating you must have the following requirements:
a) Be resistant to the environment that is causing the oxidation of the metal.
b) Do not allow the passage of ions, since otherwise, the film will act as an electrical conductor allowing the corrosion to pass through it, reaching the metal.
c) Oxygen is another important factor to generate corrosion, therefore, we must also avoid the passage of this by the coating.
d) To be resistant to the attack of the humidity, since if the passage of this one is allowed, the metal will begin to oxidize below the coating without that one can perceive it.
e) Finally, it must have a good adhesion of the coating on the surface, since a coating that comes off is not useful in the prevention of corrosion.
Optimization of industrial coatings
Take into account the following recommendations:
1. It is important to take into account the type of material that is required to be coated (steel or some other alloy) because this depends on the cleaning that must be done so that the coating has adhesion and are compatible with each other.
2, It is important to take into account the type of environment in which the material to be coated is to find out what is causing the oxidation, if it is attacking in an optimal way and how quickly it is thought to react to this situation .
This is due to the three major problems of corrosion that are:
• Oxygen: it is inside the atmosphere and all exposed metal is in continuous contact with it.
• Atmosphere: it is found everywhere and with the exception of desert areas, it is loaded with moisture both in the form of steam and in drops of water and are in contact with the surface of the metal.
• Ions: are generated when dissolving minerals, salts, acids or alkalis from smog, saline breeze, dust, industrial vapors, spills, splashes of chemicals or contamination of soils with water.
To know how to choose the right type of industrial coating you should know:
- Exhibition of said material
- Exterior, interior or buried exposure
You should know that the materials exposed to the outside or underground are in contact with the environment with different pollutants. In addition, when the coating is underground, for example in a pipeline it must be taken into account what will lead, can be potable water, sewage, fuel, liquid or gaseous material, and affects the temperature the degree of corrosion.
It is vital to know the conditions of the state of the material, because a new material only requires removing the coating that they bring from the factory and giving it the cleaning or anchoring profile that marks the norm to be followed in order to apply the coating and obtain the adequate result. , in the materials with a previous coating it is necessary to know the state in which they are, in addition to the damage that the material has suffered due to corrosion, this is to determine, if only in necessary a touch-up in the found points or it is necessary to remove the previous coating as well as the oxide.
Edges and other sharp areas subject to mechanical work (cuts, bores, bends, edges and other sharp, sharp or prominent parts of metal structures) should be given special attention.
There are often situations in which two or more different metals are electrically connected, and under such conditions, that allow the formation of a corrosion battery where there is a situation in which a metal corrodes (rivets, screws) preferably in relationship with the metal to which it has been electrically connected, making it an anode of sacrifice.
The oxidation of the materials does not always generate a reddish oxide as most people know it, depending on the medium in which it is found and the reaction that is generated with the environment, is the color of the oxidation, therefore, it is It is important to describe the color of the oxide or dust that is on the metal.
In the market there is no coating that meets all the demands of corrosive environments, so it is necessary to apply a system that has a primary, intermediate and finished so that each one fulfills a specific function.
Primary: it must have good adhesion on the substrate after adequate cleaning, it also provides adhesion to the intermediate, helps to inhibit or retard the speed of corrosion as well as chemical and weather resistance.
Intermediate: they help us to give adequate thicknesses to the system as well as to give a greater chemical resistance.
Finishing: must comply with giving us a pleasant appearance, which does not develop living organisms harmful to the facilities, with chemical resistance, resistance to weathering and high temperatures.
Drying is another point that we must take into account in a coating, either in the air or in the oven, and in case it requires the temperature and time required for curing.
Each industrial coating needs some conditions to have a satisfactory performance, one of them is the cleaning method:
• With detergent
• With solvent
• Mechanical or motorized cleaning
The coatings can be applied by several methods:
• With brush
• With roller
• With spray
• With airless