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9 companies were found

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Jabri - Manufacturers of Petrolizers, Seed Spreaders   listas
Petrolizadoras y plantas de mezcla en frio, reparaciones y refacciones de petrolizadoras todas las marcas. Venta de maquinaria usada y nueva. Renta de maquinaria para tendido. Somos fabricantes

Mobile Asphalt Plant - Maquer  
Renta de planta de asfalto de 80 TPH, Movil, marca ADM. Se realizan bacheos y tendidos de carpeta asfaltica e impregnaciones

Pneumatic Rollers, Asphalt Paver - ARO Asfaltos  
Venta de Maquinaria, Neumaticos Sakai, Mod. TS31, Ingersoll Rand Mod. PT125R y Hitachi Mod. RT30; Rodillo Doble Ingersoll Rand Mod. DD24; Extendedora Asfaltica CAT AP1000.

SGM Maquinaria - Solutions in construction and maintenance of roads   listas
Equipos de calidad fabricados en Mexico con la tecnologia mas avanzada, sistemas de medicion digitales que le reportaran ahorros sustanciales. Linea de pavimentacion compacta de la mas alta calidad.

Heavy Equipment, Excavations, Terraces - Immediate Demolitions of the South  
Demoliciones, Excavaciones, Terracerias, Trabajos de Asfalto, Estabilizacion de Terrenos, Aplicacion de Concreto Lanzado. Renta de Maquinaria Pesada, Retiro de Escombro, Transporte de Equipo. MDI

Profiler, Vibrocompactor, Loader, Paver, Sweeper - ARO  
Perfiladora, Rodillo Doble, Minicargador, Retroexcavadora, Rodillo Combinado, Cargador Frontal, Petrolizadora, Vibrocompactador, Barredora, Neumatico, Pavimentadora en RENTA. Aro Asfaltos

Asphalt Plants - Dade Equipment  
Plantas de asfalto portables, trituracion y concreto.

Asphalt Equipment, Asphalt Pavers, Plants - Road Infrastructure and Asphalts   listas
Venta Planta de asfalto para mezcla asfaltica caliente: Triaso, Modelo: 2008 y 2016, Numero de tolvas: 3, Tanque para almacenamiento de asfalto de 40,000 y 60,000 L. Ubicacion: Puebla

Cold Mix Asphalt - Asphalt  
Master Cold Mix, Calidad Premiun. Saco de 25 kg. Tapa los Baches de Forma Instantanea. Minimo Esfuerzo, Sin Maquinaria Pesada, Listo para Usar, Sin tiempos de secado. Envios a todo Mexico

ASPHALT is a black material, viscous, sticky, easy to handle. It is obtained as a by-product of oil. The type of floor used for street and road paving is the so-called distillation, which is abstracted from the hydrocarbons that are concentrated after the refining of the processed oil to produce gasoline and other products. From the waste left by the oil, after being processed at high temperatures ranging between 204 and 316 degrees, a type of paving is also achieved, used only in the manufacture of roofing materials and similar products. This material, used at temperatures of close to 500 degrees, is also used for the manufacture of insulating materials.
The materials with which this component is made through natural bitumen and mainly, is abstracted from the waste caused by the distillation of oil, has a solid, brittle, insoluble consistency through the water used for paving roads. It also serves as a waterproofing coating for roofs and roofs.
This type of material is extremely important for civil construction. The way in which it can be used is varied, but the most common is that it is used mainly as a substance to coat roads, waterproof and / or isolate different types of structures such as roofs, tanks, roofs, etc .; besides the manufacture of floors, tiles and tiles.
Asphalt is mostly used in road paving, due to the ability of this material to allow an excellent union and cohesion between the different compounds of the environment, its condition as a waterproofing that turns the structure of the pavement into a material that is not very sensitive to the conditions of humidity, because it has an almost perfect efficiency to prevent water or any liquid from penetrating the foundations caused by rain or fuel spillage. It has the ability to withstand all kinds of pressure and disintegration caused by heavy loads. That is why this product is and has become the favorite of most road construction projects.
Being an extremely cohesive material, adherent and impermeable, which is able to resist high exposures and flow under the action of permanent loads, it shows indisputable properties for the construction of pavements obtaining the following functions:
1. It waterproofs the pavement structure, transforming it into a structure that is not very sensitive to humidity and very effectively against the penetration of caudate water by rainwater.
2. Provides a deep cohesion with other aggregates, is able to resist the mechanical action of disintegration caused by heavy loads of vehicles. It also manages to improve the capacity of the structure, allowing to reduce its thickness.

The different asphaltic materials with greater use in Mexico are classified in:
a) Asphalt cement
b) Asphalt emulsion
c) Reduced asphalt
To distinguish when the asphalt is of good quality, you must observe and verify that it guarantees compliance with the road paving standards, the basic principles of adhesion, cohesion and durability, as well as the capacity to withstand the high temperatures, humidity of the roads, hardening and being resistant to heavy vehicles.
Hot mix asphalt:

The placement of the asphalt mixtures, in works created at very higher temperatures in relation to the environment, should be expanded and compacted in an appropriate manner.
This type of mixture responds to the most normal type of asphalt compounds and is defined as a high temperature asphalt mixture that has a hydrocarbon binder combination, and that includes mineral powder as well as additives. This will allow all the particles of the compound to be perfectly coated during the laying of the pavement through a homogeneous binder film. These mixtures, in general, are used in the construction and asphalt of roads, such as urban roads and airports. There are several types of mixtures with different characteristics, the main ones are two, which are quick curing and slow curing.
Cold mix asphalt:
This type of mixtures are considered as modified asphalt emulsions and for their placement inside the paving works, they are made at ambient temperatures.
The main field of application is in the construction, conservation and creation of asphalt for secondary roads. If it is intended to delay the aging of cold asphalt, what is commonly recommended, is the sealing through asphalt slurries.
This type of sealing is characterized by processing after the production of asphalt mixtures even weeks after its creation, this because the binder is in long conditions of low viscosity caused by the emulsions with modified asphalt: the increase in viscosity is very slow in the containers, facilitating the storage shortly after the putting in work of each one of the layers of reduced thickness. Hardening is relatively rapid within the layers as they are extended by the evaporation of the fluidizer. It must be considered that there is a group of asphalt mixtures in cold, which are manufactured with a slow-break emulsion, without any type of fluidizer, but it is not common which can lead to their compaction after the emulsion has been broken.
Draining asphalt mixtures:
They are used in rolling layers, the placement of pavements in the rapid circulation roads, are created with modified asphalts in quantities that vary between 4.5% and 5% of the mass of stone aggregates. For the placement of this asphalt mix they are generally applied by secondary roads, in urban roads or in base layers, under concrete pavements.
Micro agglomerates:
This type of mixtures have a maximum limited stone aggregate size of less than 10 mm. This allows it to be applied in layers of small thickness. Under surface treatment regimes with a wide variety of applications.
For many years this style of mixing has been considered as suitable for urban areas, since they avoid problems with free heights and the height of the curbs due to the fact that layers of small thickness are spread.

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