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Drilling, Anchoring, Released Concrete - Shotcrete   listas
Perforacion, Anclaje, Concreto Lanzado, Construcciones, Obra civil, Tuneles, Estabilizacion de taludes, Barrenaciones, Anclajes, Muros de contencion

Slope Stabilization, Anchoring and Shot Concrete - Terrestrial Engineering  
Estabilizacion de Taludes, Anclaje y Concreto Lanzado. Calidad y Responsabilidad en obras de Ingenieria.

Foundations, Mechanics of Soils and Civil Works - Terramec Ingenieria   listas
Cimentaciones, Pilas, Pilotes, Micropilotes, Tablaestacas, Vibrohincado, Mecanica de Suelos, Subestaciones Electricas, Lineas de Transmision, Muro Milan, Obra Civil, Inclusiones

Foundations, Piles, Piles, Shotcrete - Necs Foundations   listas
Pilas, Pilotes, Tablestaca, Muro Milan, Obras Maritimas, Recimentaciones, Concreto Lanzado, Anclaje de Taludes, Estudios de Mecanica de Suelos, Asesoria Geotecnica, Equipo de Cimentacion Profunda

Slope stabilization, anchors - HDZ Constructora   listas
Anclajes Pasivos y Activos, Drenes (Superficiales y Profundos). Concreto Lanzado (Via Seca y Humeda). Mejoramiento y Consolidacion de Suelos. Sellado de filtraciones (Progresiones)

Pneumatics and Drilling, Shotcrete - NYP  
Compresores, Stenuick, Perforadoras, Track Drill, Equipo de Inyeccion, Brocas y Accesorios para perforacion, Pilas de Cimentacion, Perforacion y Anclaje, Barrenacion en roca, Lanzado de Concreto, NYP

Piles, CFA System, Anchors, Inclusions, Drilling Equipment - Cipromex  
Pilotes, Micropilotes, Muro Milan y Berlin, Anclajes y Concreto Lanzado, Tablaestacados. Inclusiones, Obras Maritimas. Renta de Perforadoras. Suc. Mazatlan, Monterrey y Cancun y Veracruz.

Foundations, Excavations Mining Services - Tecsoil   listas
Pilas, Pilotes, Recimentaciones, Anclajes, Mecanica de Suelos Venta y Renta de Equipo: Autohormigonera 4x4, Lanzadoras de Concreto, Equipo para Fabricacion de Inyecciones. Todo para su Proyecto.

Foundations, Piles and Piles - Driller Foundations   listas
Cimentaciones, Pilas y Pilotes, Muro Diagrafma (Muro Milan), Recimentaciones, Micropilotes, Inyeccion de Suelos, Hincado de Tablestaca, Muro Berlin, Sistema de Bombeo, PIT, Prueba de Carga en Pilas.

Anchors and Released Concrete, Batteries and Piles - Driller Cimentaciones   listas
Anclas, Pilas y Pilotes, Cimentaciones, Muro Diagrafma, Recimentaciones, Micropilotes, Inyeccion de Suelos, Hincado de Tablestaca, Muro Berlin, Sistema de Bombeo, PIT, Prueba de Carga en Pilas.

Piles, Piles, Concrete and steel bunds, Milan Wall - Deep Foundations - Pimosa   listas  VIDEO 
Especialistas en Cimentacion Profunda. Pilas, Pilotes, Ataguias, Muro Milan, Columnas de grava, Anclaje, Sistemas de contencion de Taludes, Inclusiones, Compactacion, Pruebas de carga.

Micropiles, Shotcrete, Slope stabilization - Lucas & Caruso Group   listas
Muros o Pantallas de Proteccion: > Micropilotes > Hincado de Tablestacas Metalicas. Estabilizacion de Taludes:Concreto Lanzado, Barrenacion. Obras Subterraneas, Mejoramiento de Suelos.

Anchors and Released Concrete    VIDEO 
Geo Inyecciones tiene todo para mecanica de suelos; anclas, concreto lanzado, pilas, pilotes, micropilotes y muchos productos mas.

Anchors and Released Concrete, Foundations, Micropiles - Driller Foundations   listas
Pilas y Pilotes, Cimentaciones, Muro Diagrafma (Muro Milan), Recimentaciones, Micropilotes, Inyeccion de Suelos, Hincado de Tablestaca, Muro Berlin, Sistema de Bombeo, PIT, Prueba de Carga en Pilas.

Mechanical Soils, Batteries and Piles, Micropiles - Driller Cimentaciones   listas
Mecanica de suelos, Pilas, Pilotes, Micropilotes, Recimentaciones, Muro Diafragma, Muro Milan, Tablaestacas, Abatimiento del NAF, Inyeccion de suelos, Geotecnica, Anclas, Concreto lanzado

Foundations, Construction of Industrial Projects and Infrastructure - Pimosa   listas
Pilas, Pilotes, Ataguias Metalicas y de Concreto, Pozos de Bombeo, Muro Milan, Columnas de Grava, Anclaje y Sistemas de Contencion de Taludes, Inclusiones, Compactacion Dinamica, Prueba de Carga.

Foundations, Air Compressors, Constructions, Shotcrete - Trumont   listas
Servicios: Estabilizacion y Contencion de Taludes Sistemas de anclaje Concreto lanzado via seca y humeda Construccion de Micropilotes Perforacion para Voladuras Perforacion para Contencion en tuneles

Drilling and Blasting Specialists - Gema Representaciones  
Especialistas en Barrenacion y Voladuras, Pilotes para Cimentacion y Anclajes. Compra, Venta, Renta, Reparacion y Refacciones

All in Accessories for Metal Construction - Multi Accesorios   listas
Suministramos accesorios de fijacion y sellado para la construccion metalica de las mas alta calidad. Contamos con una amplia gama de productos de especialidad necesarios para el correcto ensamble

Corporate Gear your key piece in drilling   listas
Renta y venta de maquinaria de perforacion, martillos y brocas, tuberia y mangueras, compresores portatiles.

Foundation, Civil-Industrial Works, Connectors, Projects-HDZ Constructora   listas
Proyectos Arquitectonicos, Estructurales. Estudios Geotecnicos, Hidrologicos. Naves Industriales, Estructuras Metalicas, Plantas de Tratamiento. Pilas, Pilotes, Pozos de Agua para Abatimientos NAF.

Anchoring, Reconsolidation, Sheet Piling, Rental Equipment - Tecsoil   listas
Pilas, pilotes, Inclusiones, Micropilotes y Recimentaciones, Muro Berlin y Muro Milan, Hincado de Tablestacas, Abatimiento del NAF, Anclajes y Concreto Lanzado, Mecanica de suelos. Equipo en Renta.

Universal Protector - Pennsylvania Glass Restoration   listas
Protege todo tipo de superficies con nuestro Protector Universal: protege todo tipo de superficies, resiste quimicos y chispas de soldadura, ecosustentable. Restauracion de Vidrios. Linea PRO

Soil Mechanics, Structural Design, Anchors, Foundations - Ferma Engineering  
Mecanica de Suelos, DiseƱo Estructural, Control de Calidad de Materiales, Abatimiento del Nivel Freatico, Construcciones de Pilas y Pilotes, Anclajes y Concreto Lanzado, Inyecciones.

Geotechnical Engineering - L & R Company  
Ingenieria geotecnica, expertos en cimentaciones profundas, estabilizacion de taludes, mecanica de suelos, control de calidad de obra, recimentaciones, asesoria geotecnica y desarrollo de proyectos

APCS. Halfen Anchor Systems. Adjustable and Secure Fixation.  
Sistemas de Anclaje Halfen. Fijacion ajustable y segura: Muro cortina/Barandal/Elevador/Concreto prefabricado.

Foundations, Geotechnics - Perfoterra Cimentaciones   listas
Geotecnia, Cimentaciones Profundas, Abatimiento de Nivel Freatico, Pilas, Pilotes, Muro Milan, Muro Berlin, Hincado de Viguetas, Mecanica de Suelos, Anclaje, Concreto Lanzado, Terracerias, Pavimentos

Geotechnics and Construction - Tejeda Ingenieros  
Anclaje, concreto lanzado, estabilizacion de taludes y muros de contencion, cimentaciones

ANCHORING serve to stabilize slopes and guarantee stability in foundations and structures. They usually occupy themselves to support an adjoining terrain in an excavation and a certain state of stress or strain.

These supports are a construction system for deep foundations that act as support and support; With this technique it is possible to reach up to a depth of the order of 30 meters with only one wall nail of 3 m.
The primary purpose of anchoring, is to strengthen, hold soils and rocky sets that are loose, are fractured or have any type of problem that may fail.

There are two types of criteria for the design of anchors that are:
1. It is based on the theory of elasticity, since there are limitations when dealing with heterogeneous rock masses.
2. The parameters are selected through empirical rules.
The differences between both design methods are still significant, because when designing an anchoring system, it is recognized that the process is difficult and requires a very specific training and / or knowledge of the geology of the site, as well as the properties of the rock. , the hydraulic conditions of the floor, coupled with the analysis of the state in the pressures generated by the flow of water that carries the mass of the subsoil.

The most common use of this type of system, are the retaining walls because in them it is necessary to guarantee the stability of the floor mass, therefore that of the work. The anchors injected for the support of walls and the absorption within the civil work.
 It works as a support for roofs and structures in underground road works, in addition to power and mining. Another of its functions is in the slopes built on the basis of the masses of soils and rocks. Subsoil works, such as tunnels, must always ensure the support by means of anchors during and after the period of excavation work, developing and building a support with a coating capable of ensuring the complete stability of any work.
The active anchors have a stabilizing function from the moment they are put into tension, increasing the resistance to the cut of the mass of soil or rock as a result of the stresses generated to the mineral skeleton. The passive anchors develop a different action, opposing the displacement only when the sliding mass begins to move.
From the aforementioned processes, we have as a result an important advantage of active anchors over liabilities. One, you can take advantage of the immutable resistance of the terrain; this is the movement of the mass that originates from a few resistant properties. The liabilities
they enter in traction in opposition to the expansion produced by the discontinuities of the rock, when it begins to generate a slip through it.
Classification according to service time
-Temporary attachments
They have a function of being the auxiliary means that provides the conditions of stability to the structure in the time that it requires to have other elements strong enough to replace it. Its useful life must not exceed 18 months.
-Annual fixings
The installation is done in a definitive way. In general, these are sized with sufficient safety coefficients and are designed and / or executed to react to the effects of corrosion. These systems are designed for a service life longer than 18 months.
For the ways of work
-Annual liabilities
Avoid pre-tensioning the shell after installation. The anchor works in tension when the deformation of the mass of the rock or floor begins to take place.
-Active settings
Once installed, the armor must be prestressed until an allowable load is obtained, compressing the terrain in work between the anchoring area and the support plate of the head.
-Mixed Anchor
Its metallic structure must be prestressed by means of a load lower than the allowed one, giving as a result, a fraction of its resistant capacity, this is saved to face possible random movements of the land.
-Injected anchors
This type of systems are made with metal reinforcements, prostrate in perforated holes cemented by means of injections with cement grout. This element or structure is put to the traction, causing an anchoring force which must be supported by the resistance to lateral cutting in the injection part in contact with the ground.
By means of this injection, a built-in element is created at the deep end of the metal brace in the hole, therefore the power that is made on the injected anchor, is not transferred to the ground through its length, but only in the section of the injected area.
They should also use the bolts of point anchors, because they have a device to embed the anchoring system to the bottom of the hole since these materials in the mining industry, are widely used.

Parts of an anchor
Anchorage area
It is the most important mechanical device and of greater installation is the expansive cap for its punctual characteristic, it is created to anchor the healthy rock or stabilize both blocks and wedges of rock that have formed thanks to the intervention of a few foci of soil weakness .
The process consists of pouring the grout that injects through the mouth of the hole, this passes through a tube that leads back to the same container. The injection culminates after the exit of the air and the emission of slurry that passes through the tube already mentioned. It is in this way that the anchor reacts permanently, avoiding any type of corrosive effect.
Free zone
This is the part that makes up the metal armor which is divided and / or independent of the terrain that is surrounded, this situation will allow you to deform with full freedom to develop tension. The so-called free zone, is when the ground of the drilling has the possibility of separating, being completely independent of it through the so-called PVC or metal shirts. For any of the above mentioned cases, it should be protected from corrosion by means of fillers, products and producers.
This part corresponds to the point of union between the reinforcement and the support plate with which it has. The process of placing the braces, is done through injections of mortar or grout coming of course cement. The brace must have between one or two tubes that work for the process of injection and exit of air.
Anchors provide endless advantages, but the most important are:
• Having a wall grabbed by a row of anchors, provides a less nailing process than the one that works as a self-supporting. The minimum nail that has two or more anchoring rows can be found between 1.5 and 2 m, saving many meters of excavation. In this way the costs are reduced in the excavation process, materials and work time.
• Allows a variation in the wall stress distribution, since it is converted from a corbel to a continuous beam. This is how the efforts are reduced and with this, the thickness as well as the reinforcing of the worked wall is reduced.
• This process provides greater security within the adjacent buildings as it eliminates the usual movements of the retaining walls.
• Through these systems the rationalization and reduction in construction times is obtained, because the excavation is totally clean.
• The last but at the same time the best advantage is undoubtedly, that thanks to its speed in execution mainly in soft terrain, it is possible to achieve up to ten anchors per day with the highest yields and the least amount of working time.


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