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Crushing Plants

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Asphalt Plants, Crushing and Screening Equipment - DIMAQ   listas
Plantas de Asfalto y Equipo de Trituracion y Cribado, Conjuntos Primarios, Secundarios y Terciarios. Portatiles y Estacionarios, Quijadas, Conos, Cribas, VSI y HSI, Alimentadores.

Metallic Fabrics - Crushing and Screening Equipment   listas
Equipos de trituracion y cribado, refacciones para plantas de cribado, lavadores de arena, criba vibratoria scalper tipo grizzli, cargadores triples, rodillos reductores, transportadores apilables.

Crushing equipment, crushers, jaws, cones - Grupo America   listas
Equipo para trituracion, quebradoras, cargadores, camiones fuera de carretera, quijadas, conos, impactos, rodillos, martillos, equipos completos de trituracion disponibles para venta o renta

Jabri - Manufacturers of Petrolizers, Seed Spreaders   listas
Petrolizadoras y plantas de mezcla en frio, reparaciones y refacciones de petrolizadoras todas las marcas. Venta de maquinaria usada y nueva. Renta de maquinaria para tendido. Somos fabricantes

Vibrating screens - Cribamex   listas
Cribamex, Cribas vibratorias, Plantas de cribado, lavado y trituracion de materiales petreos, fijas y portatiles.

Machinery for Concrete, Crushing and Foundations - Eurorep   listas
Plantas Portatiles para Produccion de Concreto, Bombas y Lanzadoras de Concreto, Equipos Portatiles de Trituracion y Cribado, Micro perforadoras, Mini trituradoras, Perforadoras para Cimentacion.

Manufacture of Vibrating Screens - Cribamex  
Fabricacion de cribas vibratorias pequeñas y todo tipo de quebradoras pequeñas y grandes para la industria en general.

FIMSA Mining Implements Factory   listas
Fabricamos Plantas de trituracion y Cribado, Bandas transportadoras, Equipo sobre orugas, Mallas para cribas. Refacciones,reparaciones,instalacion. Trio, PowerScreen, Remco, TaborMachine, Nesco, FIMSA

Asphalt Plants for SALE - Hellcat Construcciones  
VENDO 2 Plantas de Asfalto (completa) marca Triaso de 110 Tph (seminuevas). RENTA Planta Trituradora portatil 160 Tph, RUBBLE Master, mod. RM 100 GO. VENTA-RENTA de Maquinaria en General.

Equipment for Crushing, Screening and Washing of Petreo Materials  
Cribamex, circuito de trituracion y cribado, alimentadores, quebradoras, transportadores de banda, cribas vibratorias, gusanos lavadores y mas.

Asphalt Plants - Dade Equipment  
Plantas de asfalto portables, trituracion y concreto.

Mobile Crushing and Screening Plants   listas
Plantas moviles de trituracion y cribado para entrega inmediata. Distribuidor exclusivo Eagle Crusher

Spare Parts and Service for Asphalt Plants and Crushing Equipment - Dimaq   listas
Inspeccion y Levantamiento de Refacciones Originales, para Plantas de Asfalto, Fresadoras, Pavimentadoras, Vehiculos de Transferencia, Equipos de Trituracion. ASTEC, BLAW-KNOX, ROADTEC y mas.

Crusher, Aggregate Manufacturing - Avaco  
Se Renta Trituradora y se hace Maquila en la Produccion de Agregados en toda la Republica.

Construction Equipment, Construction Machinery - BlaRock  
Maquinaria-Construccion Primario-secundario y terciario Trituracion Servicio de transporte

Equipment Sale - MGB   listas
16 Komatsu D155AX-8, 2013 Komatsu-Joy Mining RF-7,2002 Deister Modelo BTFM3P-3820, Trituradora Cedarapids 5064 HRSI de 1991, Kolberg 36” X 25’,Trituradora de Quijada Sandvik de 47 ”X 43” 2003

Heavy Machinery, Tractors, Excavators, Loaders - Arimaq  
Renta de Maquinaria Pesada: *Tractores *Excavadoras *Cargadores *Camiones fuera de Carretera *Tractocompactadores *Motoconformadoras *Vibrocompactadores *Plantas de trituracion *Plantas de Asfalto

They are equipment for the obtaining of fragmented stone, including feeding and relief, clean, in regular sizes and shapes, according to the tolerances described.
Currently there are fixed for the benefit of mines, or mobiles for the benefit of banks near buildings that require crushed stone as a product.
The fixed plants for mining, have very large processing capacities. They have the advantage of being able to recover with the time and quantity of production, the investment made in the purchase, assembly, and transfer of the equipment to the place of operation.
The crushing process requires several processes to have the stone ready from measures of approximately 60 cm or one meter in diameter, until its reduction to gravel, gravel, or sands.
The rock, from its initial fragmentation by explosives or hydraulic hammers, is emptied by means of front-end loaders or excavators in grizzly feeders. The unloaded material carries already small stone, dust, and even dirt. The grizzly type feeders are vibrating screens in bar, whose separation is variable as it moves towards the delivery of the material. These screens drop material of small size, cleaning the material of soil and vegetable layer, in such a way that the crushing chamber only enter stones of size that require to be crushed, to optimize the production of the crusher increasing its efficiency. The material that is filtered by the feeder is channeled through a conveyor belt to the side of the plant as leftover material, waiting to be taken to a more precise screen with washing systems to clean the material.
The crushing cavity in the plant is about 70 X 100 cm, and receive stones with a maximum diameter of 61 cm.

The plant has an engine that is around 300 horsepower, can be more, or less, depending on the capacity of the plant. About half of the power is channeled to the crusher, and the rest to the other parts such as screening, returns, and bands of final product or rejection. The production can vary from 150 to 500 t / h.
The plants configured to be of primary application, have mounted jaw crushers, this is because they are the type of crusher that allows larger stones and fractionals easier. Those that are designed for secondary applications, have cone crushers. For tertiary applications, impact crushers are ideal because the receiving material is smaller and they release it in granulometries of gravel or gravel. Throughout the process, however, the stone is fractioned into particles that are already the right size for some application, and are channeled as a finished product.
The plants have automated and digitized systems that allow control of the process, as well as the same plant to monitor its wear, maintenance, and levels of consumables. It can also measure the filling of the grinding chamber by means of sonic sensors. They can crush rocks or recycling material.
The material is released from the bottom of the crusher, and is then channeled through conveyor belts to a collection center. This can be the feeder of a secondary crushing module, a silo, a stacking, or a dump truck.
The modules of crushing plants for secondary application are capable of receiving rocks up to approximately 11.43 cm in diameter. Its production is in an average range of 250 tons per hour.
The receiving hopper has at the bottom a feed belt to the variable speed shredder, and is equipped with sonic sensors that detect metals and other non-shreddable materials before reaching the chamber to be removed before entering. They also have with a system of nitrogen bulbs as protection to depressurize the chamber and evacuate the non-crushable materials.
The intelligent control system is able to regulate and control the feed of the crusher, and all other processes to adjust them in order to have a stable and constant production at all times. The operator has at a single glance, all the necessary information to monitor and control the process, and can even stop or start all the modules with a single button, because the system is able to make links with the systems of the other units of operation.
The units are designed for easy transportation, especially to exploitation banks for use in remote works. The conveyor belts and feed hoppers are foldable for transport on the road.
They also have tires to be moved, or with caterpillars, to move in short distances without having to dismount in the exploitation site, also allowing the entire crushing train in its various modules to progress steadily.
These plants do not have cabins for their operation, they are controlled in their advance to remote control. If the plant has tires, it can be towed with a tractor.
The secondary mobile crushing plants work in practically the same way, including the feeder with grizzly type screening, the automation, the diesel engine, and the transportation of the crushed material using conveyor belts, the element that changes is the crusher that is cone, to facilitate the fragmentation of the rock.
The plants can be equipped with a dust suppressor system to avoid lifting a lot of dust affecting the health of workers and protecting electronic components.
The crushing plants are complemented with screening units, in order to obtain clean final products and returns for use of the reject material.
We provide a list of the models of crushing plants available in the Mexican Republic.

102 X 115 Crush It, 102 X 115 Track Impactor and Rambler, 102 X 152 Track Mobile Impactor, 133 X 115 Closed Circuit Horizontal Impactor, 133 X 152 Dual Impact Plan, 40 "HN Series Closed Circuit Cone Plant, 45" Cone It, 45 "Track Cone With Screen-It, 45" Series closed cone plant, 51 "Cone Crusher Series, SC 300 Cone Running Closed Circuit.
Fixed crushing plants according to customer requirements. Portable plants for primary, secondary, tertiary crushing.
Impact plant on tracks: Ultratraxx, Open circuit (OC) / CV, Closed circuit CC, E-Plant, 1400-45 CVS, 1400-45 CCS, 1600-69 CCS. Secondary plants 500-05 CVSS, 1200-25 OCSS,
Duplex cone, Duplex impact, Portable primary crushing jaw, Portable primary cone crushing, Portable secondary cone, Portable secondary impact horizontal arrow, Portable secondary impact vertical arrow, Tertiary cone, Impact tertiary.
Y3S1548Y900, Y3S1848S36, Y3S1860S51, Y3S2160H220.
Primary portable jaw plants: NW80, NW96, NW106 Rapid, NW116 Rapid, NW120 Rapid, NW130, NW150. Vertical axis impact laptop: NW7150, NW9100, NW6150C, NW7150C. LOKOTRACK jaw series mobiles: LT96, URBAN, LT106, LT116, LT120, LT120E, LT130E, LT150E, LT160E, LT200E; Impact: LT1110, LT1213, LT1213S, LT1213SE, LT1315, LT1415, LT1418E, LT1620E; Cone: LT220D, LT330D, LT200HP, LT200HPS, LT300HP, LT300GP, LT400HPF, LT550GP; Impact vertical: LT7150, LT9100E.
RM 60, RM 70GO! 2.0, RM90GO !, RM100GO !, RM120GO !, RM V550GO !,
Fixed plants, portable primary crushing plant open circuit jaws with Grizzly feeder, all grizzly, primary impact grizzly, secondary impact grizzly, portable cone, portable secondary impact.
Jaw mobile QJ241, QJ341, QJ341 +, UJ440i, UJ540, UJ640; of cone mobiles, CH430, CH440, CS430, CH440-QS441, CH440-QS441, CS440-US440i, CS440-US440E, CH440-UD440E, CH660-UH640; Impact crusher QI341, QI441.
Horizontal impact: CRH 1316, IP1516, CRH 1313R. Impact of vertical axis: Canica TXC Series, Terex WV 2000. Cone: C280, CRC380X, CRC450X, C45III, C54II. Jaw or jaw: JP2236, CRJ3042, CRJ3255, CRJ3750, WJ1175.
Jaw or jaw: J1480, J1175, J1175 Dual power, J1170, J1170 Direct Drive, J1170AS, J1160, J960. Impact: I140, I-140RS, I-120, I-120RS, I-110, I-100, I-100RS. Cone: C-1554, C-1550, C-1550P, C-1545, C-1545P, C-1540, C-1540P, C-1540 Dual power, C-1540RS
Jaw: Metrotrak, Premiertrak 300 and R300, Premiertrak 400X and R400X, Premiertrak 400X Post screen, Premiertrak 600 and 600E. Impact: Trakpactor 260 and 260SR, Trakpactor 320 and 320SR, Trakpactor 550, Trakpactor 550SR, XV350; of cone: 1000Maxtrak, 1000SR, 1150 Maxtrak, 1150Maxtrak pre-screen, 1300Maxtrak, 1500Maxtrak.
Jaw: 10570, New 700i, 10580, New 800i; of primary impact: 1012TS, 1012T, secondary impact: 623CT, 1412T, 1012T; of tertiary impact: 1412T, 623CT; of cone 1200TC, 1000TC, 1150TC; on wheels: 1012S, 1012SS, 623S, 643S; Electrical: 1012SE, 623SE.
Jaw on legs, jaw on rims 16 "X 24", 24 "X 36", 30 "X 42", 91 cm cone with screen and closed circuit on rims, cone on legs, jaw crusher and cone on rims of 3 ', 4.25', 5.5 ', equipped, with screen, of closed circuit, with cone of 3' and 4.25 ', integral equipment 3' and 4.25 '.



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